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Brown Pundits

Aug 24, 2020

Razib talks to Anthony, a black American professional who lived in China, about racism in China and the USA, BLM, and the future prospects for the China-American relationship.

Jun 21, 2020

Hash Gupta returns to talk to Mukunda, Akshar, and Omar, about the geopolitical implications of the recent conflict with China.

May 7, 2020

Razib talks to Carl Zha about the serious issue of the China-USA Cold War, and also Carl's impending marriage to a Balinese Hindu.

May 21, 2019

Carl Zha opines on the controversy around Pakistani women marrying men from rural China

Feb 1, 2019

Razib talks to Carl Zha, host of the CLASH! podcast, about economics, religion, and racism, in China.